The Healing Weight-loss diet

Lauren Wallace
I am going to keep this short, sweet, and to the point. The healing diet is packed full of healthy resourceful options for losing weight, maintaining stable blood sugar levels, rebooting your metabolism, resetting your gut health, and rebalancing your microbiome. This simple diet combines ancient fasting techniques with whole foods and gut-reset supplements for even the most on-the-go lifestyle. There isn’t a list of 22 vitamins to take every morning, there is not a teeny tiny restricted dinner serving, and there is not a ridiculous 2 hour gym session every day. This is merely a healthy, sustainable, and goal-achieving diet that will work on even the most stubborn body types and the busiest of lifestyles. If you have time to brew coffee, you have time for this diet.
The goal here is to fast during the day, eat in the early evening, then fast again until the next evening. The longer you can go, the better. If you struggle with fasting, start your Greens and collagen first thing in the morning then fast until dinner, with a minimum fasting window of 6 hours.
Start your eating-phase with the densely vitamin-powered Athletic Greens (aka AG1) with 4-8 drops of Athletic Greens’ vitamin D3 + K2 drops in it. Get your started kit with a FREE 1 year supply of D3 + K2 here. Take on an empty stomach. This begins your day with ALL of your potent daily vitamins, greens, digestive enzymes, pre/post/probiotics, adaptogens, antioxidants, healing mushrooms, and superfoods that are easily absorbed and readily bio-available. It is the best and most powerful way to start your eating phase.
Next, you are going to kick start your metabolism with the adaptogen powered, mildly-caffeinated, colostrum, collagen, protein, enzyme, and amino acids phase of eating. I call these drinks the ‘C&C’ drinks, which means “Collagen & Colostrum”. (Optional- Start by take a digestive enzyme) Make yourself either 1. Iced C&C Matcha and/or 2. Iced C&C coffee. I usually do both (tired mom of 4 over here)- so no judgement if you want to roll that way. (recipes below)
Another AWESOME way to incorporate collagen and colostrum into your diet is by blending it into warm (NOT HOT) homemade bone broth. Bone broth is packed with natural collagen (broken down into gelatin and amino acids), vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. A cup of it with a scoop of multi-collagen, collagen peptides, and a scoop of colostrum will start your eating phase with a nutritionally dense, protein-packed, super drink.
If you start these things in the morning, start your fasting clock immediately after for 6 hours. Try to make it until the afternoon without eating, if you can- If you can hold off on starting AG1 and matcha/ Coffee until dinner, even better. I try to wait until the afternoon to start that process that way I am hitting at least 18 hours of fasting. Wait as long as you can. Try not to put anything but water (or plain herbal tea/ black adaptogen coffee) in your body for best effects.
If you can’t fast, space out your C&C Matcha and/or C&C Coffee and incorporate bone broth and the foods below. If you live a busy life-style and need an on-the-go option, VitalHustle The ONE has a wonderful meal replacement option that is low calorie and high in vitamins, nutrients, (and a lot of similar benefits of Athletic Greens) plus appetite curbing vegan protein. With a concentration on energy, focus, immunity, digestion, recovery, and sex drive, The ONE is packed with 86 superfoods, adaptogens, cordyceps, pre/pro/postbiotics, digestive enzmes, omega-3 fatty acids, and 20 grams of organic vegan protein. And, she comes as clean as you can get- no artificial flavors, no sugar, and no fillers. The label is as straight forward as it can be. It’s like vegan protein powder and AG1’s superfood vitamin supplement had a baby. A big , beautiful, chocolatey baby. Plus, its only 160 calories when mixed with water. Thank you, Kevin Hart.
PRO TIP: Make with organic coconut milk & add a scoop of collagen peptides and a scoop of colostrum to the blender for the added nutrition- especially if you don’t do the C&C beverages.
For dinner, you want to start with a digestive enzyme, and then focus on eating minimally cooked ingredients from the list below. Use any of the ingredients you want but don’t forget to keep vegetables the focus. Choose 1 protein, 1 carbohydrate, and 2-5 different fruits and vegetables, plus fresh herbs and oils. Eat the rainbow. Try to only cook 2 of the fruits/ vegetables very low and slow, maintaining the nutritional values. Keep the rest raw, if possible. Try to end each meal with Omega’s & a “dessert” that is packed with natural digestive enzymes, probiotics, and antioxidants to aid in the breakdown and absorption of the meal you just consumed. My go-to choice for this is fresh organic pineapple & papaya and/or dark berries, dark chocolate, with a spoonful of coconut yogurt. Plus I usually have a “Mock-tail” with my husband in the evening, which usually entails a glass of sugar free kombucha or Soda water with an orange slice. My favorite kombucha is Humm Pineapple Jalepeno.
Foods List:
Wild caught salmon, grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb, wild caught venison, free range chicken, organic grass-fed bone broth, & free-range eggs.
Organic SPROUTED nuts, seeds, lentils, organic chickpeas, and legumes.
Organic butternut squash, carrots, sweet potato’s, spaghetti squash, pumpkin, broccoli, & Beets
ORGANIC pineapple, papaya, tomato, berries, citrus, bananas, olives, coconut, and avocado
Organic Garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric, asparagus, mushrooms, peppers, and leafy greens like kale, spinach, dandelion, lettuces, fresh herbs, peas, edamame, yellow squash, zucchini, and leeks. Your carbohydrates will be made up of vegetables also- organic brussel sprouts, Organic butternut squash, spaghetti squash, sweet potato’s, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, & Beets
Fermented foods:
organic kombucha (sugar free), sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, apple cider vinegar, coconut kefir, and fermented pickles
Organic unrefined coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, MCT oil, Fish oils (Omegas)
Milk Alternatives:
Organic coconut milk, cashew milk, almond milk
Flavoring/ Seasoning:
Organic spices, salt, pepper, herbs, onion, garlic, oils, coconut amino’s, pure organic maple syrup, local organic raw honey, and organic apple cider vinegar, organic raw mustard, and (for the sauce and salad freaks out there) Primal Kitchen natural dressings/ mayo/ sauces are great alternatives to their counterparts.
“snack” foods:
dried or fresh edamame, berries, organic pineapple, papaya, fresh organic vegetables, coconut milk yogurt/ kefir, Nori, tomato’s, free range eggs, Nuts, seeds, cucumbers and sugar snap peas with hummus or organic nut butter, pure dark chocolate, organic salsas, guac or avocado sliced. olives, pickles, kimchi, Kraut, pickled/ fermented vegetables (green beans, oakra, carrots, asparagus , peppers, etc) If you are desperate for grains/ crackers – seed crackers and/ or sprouted grains, sprouted grain bread/ organic sourdough breads are your best option.
supplements list:
I solemnly swear that I will never let these bad boys leave my shelves. They are all fantastic, well researched, clinically tested, and the purest that I have found, within their relative fields. Trust me, you will not regret purchasing a single one of these.
Athletic Greens aka AG1
Collagen Peptides /Multi-Collagen
VitalHustle The ONE (optional meal replacement)
Digestive Enzymes (2-3 per day, 1 before each meal/ coffee)
Omega’s (3 after dinner)
Iced C&C Coffee:
1 Scoop collagen peptides unflavored + 1 scoop multi-collagen pure
(I recommend both for a diverse collagen & amino acid profile. for a simpler recipe, you can just do 2 scoops collagen peptides)
1 Scoop Colostrum, Unflavored
1 cup organic coconut milk
1/2 tsp Stevia (or to taste)
blend with frother, then fill cup with ice
2-3oz oz espresso-brewed adaptogen coffee, poured over iced coconut milk, stir
(organic raw Manuka Honey or raw organic local honey can be used as a sweetener if needed)
Iced C&C Matcha:
1 Scoop collagen peptides unflavored + 1 scoop multi-collagen pure
(I recommend both for a diverse collagen & amino acid profile. for a simpler recipe, you can just do 2 scoops collagen peptides)
1 Scoop Colostrum, Unflavored
1 Scoop Superfood Matcha
1 cup organic coconut milk
1/2 tsp Stevia (or to taste)
blend with frother, then fill cup with ice
(organic raw Manuka Honey or raw organic local honey can be used as a sweetener if needed)
1. PREPARE AHEAD. I like to pre-slice and pre organize “snack tray’s” with all of my favorite snack options- I keep one in the pantry with nuts, seeds, seed crackers & organic cassava chips etc, and two that I keep in the fridge with pre-cut and washed fruit, veggies, pickled vegetables, olives, hummus, yogurt, guac, home made salsa etc. It’s easy and great for kids and adults alike, plus its convenient when you are starving and don’t want to take the time to prepare healthy options.
2. Keep EVERYTHING ORGANIC and NON-GMO. I cannot stress this enough. Just do it.
3. No supplementing with other snack foods and empty calories. No matter how tempting, if you want this to work, you have to be committed.
4. No dairy, no refined carbohydrates, no refined sugars, and no pre-packaged anything.
5. ABSOLUTELY No soda, No alcohol, no energy drinks, and no flavors/syrups/ creamer in your coffee. These are the worst possible things you can put into your body. Avoid them like the plague (because, frankly, they are worse.) Kombucha and Natural sparkling water is a great alternative drink option.
6. Natural organic raw stevia is the best sweetener here but small amounts of raw organic PURE maple syrup, and natural organic raw manuka/ local honey are great natural sweeteners also. Use sparingly.
7. Organic coconut milk is your best dairy-alternative and great for coffee/ cooking. Almond- Cashew milk is a good protein – filled option. Organic oat milk tastes the best for savory cooking. (make sure its gluten free) Opt for coconut milk if you can help it.
8. Drink 1 gallon of water every day. (a reusable starbucks cup with straw is 24 oz- drink 6 of those per day)
9. Stick with the list below to the letter and you will truly see the transformation.
Good luck, friends <3